Rachel's Massage - Christchurch




This page in the information of my website. Browse my services, read about me, contact me. on this home page I have introduced the page and welcomed visitors to rachels massage Christchurch I have asked them to like my page on facebook and share as well. I have advertised a competition where they could win a free massage if the enter in a monthly draw. I have provided pictures and links of the massages I offer. I have written about Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage people suffering with chronic muscular pain, aches and pains, muscles tension, headaches, sore shoulders, stiff neck, frozen shoulder back problems. I have written about pregnancy massage, a mobile local service for the lady who needs pampering, sore backs, tight tired muscles that need a lift. Relaxation massage which is designed to take the customer away from everyday stresses to a place they can chill, relax, refresh, a mobile service to their door, environment with relaxing music and time out. I have also mentioned that I do gift vouchers available they just need to contact me for these details.