St Lawrence of Rome Tallington

  Church Ln, Tallington, Stamford PE9 4RU



St Lawrence of Rome Tallington - A Church Near You

Thank you for taking an interest in our church, St Lawrence of Rome in Tallington. The next service in Tallington church will be a service of Evensong at 6pm on Sunday 24th July, you will be very welcome. All seven churches of the Uffington Group are Open daily between 10am and 4pm Should you wish to use your local church building at any other time or in the unusual event the church is locked for any reason then please contact Fr Aran and we will find a way to meet your needs. Rev’d Martin or myself continue to produce a pew sheet to help our prayers throughout the week. If you know anyone who would like to receive this then let us know and we can add them to our list. Please let me know of any prayer requests. Fr Aran and the Ministry Team along with the wider congregations would like to pray for all of those in need, especially by name if you will allow us. We would also like to give thanks for all of the good news so please let me know if you’ve got a new job, or engaged and we can pray for those things too! Please take care, keep yourself safe, Carole 'The Uffington Group of Churches is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all young people, vulnerable adults and all in our church community’.