Britannia Panopticon

  113-117 Trongate, Glasgow G1 5HD



Britannia Panopticon

Welcome to The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall situated in Glasgow down New Wynd Lane, Trongate. This Music hall began in 1857 in the midst of the Victorian era when Glasgow's population was booming and streets were over crowded with folk desperate to work in one of the largest cities new industries. Music Halls were a popular form of entertainment and often built at the back of pubs, though this one is different, being on the floor above! It would have held over 1500 visitors, eager to be amused and let off steam while watching the acts that ranged from singers, dancers and comedians. In 1906, an eccentric showman, A.E Pickard, brought in the carnival freak show and zoo where visitors could catch a glimpse of the Himalayan Bear in the basement or the Tattooed Lady in the attic.