Leeds Accounting Tutor

  18 Oxton Mount, Leeds LS9 7RW



Tony Bango | Scheduling and Booking Website

Hello there, my name is Tony, an accounting tutor. Here's the secret...Most students imagine accounting to be a subject riddled with daunting calculations and demanding a higher form of intelligence. This is not so. In my years of teaching students, I have discovered that most students fail because they study the wrong thing. Look at it this way. To understand the working of a balance sheet [statement of financial position] most students memorise the order in which elements are applied. This is the cardinal sin. To be a successful student you must understand why we need a balance sheet and what information users of this particular financial statement are looking for. When you look at it from a users perspective [understanding who those users are and what they want] your mind no longer tries to remember what was after what but your mind starts to actually determine what needs to be there to satisfy the user's questions regarding a companies affairs. This way you can forget the specific format but you can always recreate it because you actually understand what is going on and why it is going on. Give me a call, I'll help you see the better side of accounting.