Senior Courts Costs Office

  357 Strand, London WC2A 2LL



Senior Courts Costs Office - GOV.UK

We assess the costs and expenses incurred in civil litigation in order to decide how much: a successful party in litigation can recover from their opponent a barrister or solicitor can recover from public funds a client should have to pay their solicitor We can reduce these costs and expenses if necessary. We carry out this review in cases handled by: the Chancery, Family and Queen’s Bench divisions of the High Court the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) the Court of Protection the County Court in London tribunals We also deal with costs assessments transferred to us from other County Court centres and district registries and appeals against costs decisions made by the Legal Aid Agency. Who we are We are part of the High Court of Justice. We are based at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Cases are heard by costs judges (also called Masters of the SCCO) and civil servants called costs officers. Information daily cause list RCJ and Rolls Building daily court lists Senior Courts Office Guide previous decisions Costs Practitioners Group minutes complaints procedure