St Alphege Church, Edmonton

  Rossdale Dr, London N9 7LG



St Alphege Edmonton - A Church Near You

As of Thursday 24th February, all legal requirements in respect of Covid-19 have been removed. It will now be a matter for each person to decide whether or not they wish to wear a mask in church. However, we continue to take a careful and cautious approach and thus: >> We are still taking details of those attending mass, but this is for our own record keeping and not for Covid-19 contact tracing. Sanitiser will continue to be available for cleaning your hands as you enter the church should you wish to do so. >> We will continue to sing the liturgy and hymns, but those attending may wish to spread out around the church as far as possible to prevent breathing into each other's faces! >> We will continue to serve tea, coffee, etc., on Sundays after mass, but it's probably better to avoid crowding around one another, and to observe social distancing whilst queuing. >> From Easter Day, 17th April, onwards, communion will be again offered in both kinds, the Body and the Blood, at mass on Sundays. It will be entirely up to each person to decide whether or not they receive the sacred blood from the chalice, and there is no pressure on anyone to do so. >> The next additional weekday mass will be at 1930 on Monday 25th July, for the Feast of St James, Apostle. Our online presence through the following will continue as before: ** Every morning some of us are meeting on Microsoft Teams to say the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. It happens at 0715, and if you'd like to join in live, let me know via the 'Get in touch' page, and I'll send you a link to join the group. The recording is then posted here. ** A virtual pew sheet, containing the collects, readings, etc for the day will be posted here. Fr Stephen