St Mary's Church, Cerne Abbas

  2 Abbey St, Cerne Abbas, Dorchester DT2 7JQ



Cerne Abbas: St Mary - A Church Near You

St Mary's is the Parish Church for Cerne Abbas in Dorset. It is a living church, open during daylight hours (or until about 5pm when it's light later) year-round. Come in to learn about the history of the village (boards in the tower room), say a prayer and/or light a candle, join in with one of our many concerts or other musical events, have a coffee and a slice of cake (1st Wednesday of the month), ring the bells (practice 7pm most Thursdays), or attend a service. Regular services are listed on this website, and special services are highlighted on the church's Facebook page. We also celebrate seasonal events (5th January, 1st February, 1st May) at the Silver Well or at the Vicarage. The Friends of St Mary's organise events including concerts throughout the year. The Cerne Music Festival (featuring chamber music from the Gaudier Ensemble) takes place every summer. The Cerne Giant Festival (strapline: Celebrating Humanity in the Landscape) takes place during the last two weeks of April