St Michael & All Angels Church

  Main Rd, Uffington, Stamford PE9 4SN



St Michael and All Angels Uffington - A Church Near You

Thank you for taking an interest in the Church of St Michael and All Angels, Uffington. St Michael & All Angels' Church, Uffington is open daily for Private Prayer from 10.00am till 4pm Please, if you need access to any of our churches outside of these hours, if you would like Fr Aran to pray for you or are feeling anxious or worried and need help either for yourself or one of your neighbours please call or text Fr Aran Tel. 07590 055905. There will usually be a service of Holy Communion at 11am every Sunday throughout the year at St Michael & All Angels' in Uffington except the Fifth Sunday of the month when it will be an All Age Worship Service at West Deeping. Face coverings are no longer mandatory however we may choose to wear them to keep others safe. For up to date information of ALL the Services taking place throughout the group please see the centre pages of Towers and Spires or under the Monthly Services on the drop down menu, you will be very welcome at ALL churches within our group. Rev’d Martin or myself continue to produce a pew sheet to help our prayers throughout the week. If you know anyone who would like to receive this then let us know and we can add them to our list. Thank you. Carole