St Michael & All Angels Church, Rearsby

  Rearsby, Leicester LE7 4YE



Rearsby: St Michael & All Angels - A Church Near You

The Church of England in Rearsby - St Michael & All Angels, Rearsby IF YOU ARE INTENDING TO GO TO SERVICES AT ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, REARSBY, ST. MARY'S, QUENIBOROUGH, HOLY TRINITY, THRUSSINGTON, OR ST. BOTOLPH'S, RATCLIFFE-ON-THE-WREAKE PLEASE TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES. BEFORE COMING TO CHURCH: * If you have symptoms of Covid 19 please stay at home and follow NHS advice. If you are considered extremely vulnerable you may feel happier to continue shielding but please know, we are doing our best to make our churches safe environments. * Whilst hand sanitizer will be available, if you are able to bring your own to use before receiving communion, that would be very helpful. ON ARRIVAL: * You will need to sanitize your hands. * A steward will take contact details if you are happy to leave them with us. This will only be kept for 21 days. You may need to wait for a steward to show you where you can sit. This is to allow safe distancing. * Please do your best not to touch anything other than the order of service. * You will need to wear a mask coming in and leaving but can choose whether to wear it during the service or not. DURING THE SERVICE: * Service booklets will be on pews and should not be shared. * We are singing in church for the entrance and final hymn and will listen to music or a small choir if possible at other times. * Communion will be brought to where you are sitting. It will be the host only. * The Peace cannot be shared physically. * Please consider giving to the church by standing order or leave donations on leaving church. AFTER THE SERVICE: * We recommend that you sanitize your hands on leaving. SADLY WE ARE UNABLE TO HAVE SERVICES OVER CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR SERVICE TIMES AND DETAILS: 1st Sunday: Holy Trinity, Thrussington 9.30 am: Holy Communion St. Mary's, Queniborough 11am: Free4All (All age service) St. Michael & All Angels', Rearsby 11am: Parish Eucharist St. Botolph's, Ratcliffe-on-the-Wreake: 6.30pm: Songs of Praise 2nd Sunday: Holy Trinity, Thrussington 9.30 am: 9.30 EXPRESS (All age service) St. Mary's, Queniborough 11am: Holy Communion St. Michael & All Angels', Rearsby 11am: Parish Eucharist 3rd Sunday: St. Mary's, Queniborough 9 am: Said Holy Communion St. Michael & All Angels', Rearsby 11am: Parish Eucharist St. Botolph's, Ratcliffe-on-the-Wreake: 6.30pm: Holy Communion 4th Sunday: Holy Trinity, Thrussington 9.30 am: BCP Holy Communion St. Mary's, Queniborough 11am: Holy Communion St. Michael & All Angels', Rearsby 11am: Sunday Mix (All age service) 5th Sunday: Team Service rotates: 10am Please contact Rev’d. Sr. Mary on 1664 420193 or email: [email protected] if you wish to be added to the email list. Your email address will always be blind copied for privacy. For pastoral support, please contact Rev'd Sr. Mary Safeguarding The parish of Rearsby: St Michael & All Angels is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). The Diocese of Leicester’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services. If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer. You can do this by sending an email to [email protected], which will be forwarded to the Parish Safeguarding Officer; or you can contact the Team Vicar. Rev Sr Mary A’Herne-Smith CA - email [email protected] / phone 01664 420193 If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available on the Safeguarding page of the Diocese of Leicester website. If you have concerns about the immediate safety of someone please do not delay in calling the Police on 999 or contacting Children or Adult Services at the local authority: Leicestershire County – Children’s Services - Office hours 0116 305 0005 / Out of hours 0116 305 0005 Leicestershire County – Adult Services - Office hours 0116 305 0004 / Out of hours 0116 255 1606