Tai Jutsu Leeds Martial Art Club

  Armley sports center Carrcroft, Leeds LS12 3HB



Armley sports center Carrcroft, Leeds LS12 3HB


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Leeds Taijutsu - Self Defense Classes in Leeds

here at Tai Jutsu Leeds, pride ourselves on teaching one of the most efficient and adaptable Martial Arts in the world. Which is suitable for all ages and both Sexes. We are a none profit making organisation of clubs, which have helped many families and individuals living in low income areas of our city for over thirty years. Working closely with Leeds City Council, teaching in Schools, with their health and well-being events- putting across a message of anti drugs, drink and bullying. We also teach self Defence at many other venues such as Refugees Centres, Churches and Ladies Groups, including Female refuge groups and much more besides. Always striving to make that little bit of a difference in peoples lives and mental health that can matter so much.